Tuesday, October 19, 2004

What do they do better?

An interesting little quiz I found on Yahoo! today.


Results/Answer (in case the quiz is no longer up)

The question is: U.S. Markets have had the best return during the administrations of Presidents from which political party?

Care to take a guess?

Yep. And surprisingly, 68% of respondents answered correctly (although we are talking about somewhat financially savvy people that frequent Yahoo! Finance).

Now I know some of you are saying, 'George W. Bush inherited his recession.' I somehat agree, though it sure is taking him a long time to get us out of it. But this study that came to the conclusion that Democrats have presided over the best times for the stock market, covered the years from 1927 to 1988. So it doesn't take into acount the fiscal glory of the Clinton years or the train wreck that has been the Bush II presidency.

Now there is some argument as to what part the sitting president's policy plays in the performance of the markets, but at the very least, the Republican contention that the Democrats are bad for business has to be called in question. Like we ever believed it in the first place.

Couple this study with the fact that only two administrations in the last forty years have balanced the budget -- and both were Democrat (Lyndon Johnson once and Bill Clinton three times). Whose policies appear to you to be more fiscally sound?


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