Friday, October 15, 2004

What You Can Expect

As you can probably already tell, this blog is in its nascent stage -- a work in progress. I am still trying to figure out the capabilities of Blogspot, which I know to include posting of images and linking. I also am toying with ideas as to content. As you can tell, politics are foremost in my thoughts right now, as we are two weeks away from what is being touted as the most important election in a long time. But I would really like to have this blog be a foutainhead of opinion on a variety of progressive issues and a place where I (and others) can share recommendations and opinions on things like music, film, theater, art, television and comedy. You know, the good stuff. I am hoping to find a setup where I can post my up-to-the-minute endorsements in these areas while providing for a way for others to add to them.

I have things I would like to research and discuss with you like Internet and satellite radio, environmentally and socially conscious consumerism, where the good TV is at, who are our modern creative geniuses, where can reliable news be found, what's funny out there and how we as consumers can leverage whatever power we have so as not to get worked by our corporate daddies. (I'm lookin' at you MBNA...and you too, Wells Fargo)

As I am often wont to do, I am casting a wide net and not sticking to a specific area of focus. But, then again, who's going to be reading this thing anyway? Probably just me. Look for more posts Saturday, for as anyone who has spent a lot of time with me knows, I spend my non-working days cooped up in my apartment until the sun goes down and I feel that I can safely leave the house.

Also, if anyone who is reading any of this has any suggestions as to things I might cover on this blog...or can help me with any of the technical issues mentioned above, please email me or reply to one of the posts.


At 8:20 PM, Blogger ebc said...

more cats, please.


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