Sunday, March 20, 2005

Must See (to Believe) TV!

I've been getting a lot of laughs out of the Tee-Vee these days -- in between NCAA tournament basketball games, of course.

Why just the other day, I was on the Intra-net when I read about a new study released by the Project for Excellence in Journalism (at Columbia), which found that while Fox News was quite straightforward with their sourcing, they were the least objective cable news outlet by a wide margin when you considered how many stories include the anchor's personal opinion. Now I'm not naive enough to believe that these are their actual opinions anyway, rather than what will keep Murdoch happy, keep the books selling and keep the American public riled up. Anyway, I'm off an a tangent.

I turned on the tube to find Bill O'Reilly reporting on the study and, guess what...focusing only on the positives about Fox News. Too bad the study didn't look at cherrypicking as well.

But back in the world of sane people (or maybe I should say socially and politically aware people) I have to recommend a show I saw for the first time today. For those of you sick of Leonard Maltin and whoever that woman is who raves about shit Hollywood movies with him, or for those of you that think Ebert is getting soft, you might want to check out Henry Rollins' movie review show on IFC. It's hilarious at times, and more serious at other times, but entertaining throughout. He curses up a storm about watered-down sequels, flips Hollywood the bird (literally), and then sits down and gives intelligent, informed reviews of a variety of movies with guests (today was Super Size Me director Morgan Spurlock). Rollins somehow manages to come across as an everyman while breaking down why a particular art house film is well cast. And it's Henry Rollins reviewing movies! Though I do think it would really kick ass if he did a Siskel and Ebert-type thing with Leonard Maltin. Just once before I die, I'd like to see Henry Rollins have Leonard Maltin in a headlock. Am I alone here?

That's all for now, but before I go I'd also like to do the blog version of jumping up and down clapping my hands like an excited little girl (in other words, you'll just have to picture it) -- Bernie Ebbers is guilty y'all!!!!! More on the new dangers of being a CEO to come.


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