Thursday, December 02, 2004

Phlip Seymour Hoffman: Best Actor Under 40?

You'd never guess it from what you've seen of him in the movies, but Philip Seymour Hoffman used to be a jock. He played three sports in high school in upstate New York: baseball, wrestling and football. He even claims to have been quite good at baseball. He began acting later in high school either to impress a girl (if you believe his story) or as the result of a career-ending sports injury (if you believe his brother, Gordy).

Whatever the reason for his first foray on the stage, Hoffman has become perhaps the most underrated and underappreciated acting talent in Hollywood. You may even have a hard time picturing him until someone reminds you of one of his memorable characters, like:

Brandt, toadying assistant to the 'other Lebowski' in the Coen Brothers' The Big Lebowski.Memorable moments: (showing The Dude through his boss' trophy room) "This picture was taken when Mrs. Reagan was the first lady of the nation, yes, yes, not just California." or this exchange:

Bunny Lebowski (to The Dude): I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars.
Brandt: Ah ha ha ha ha! Wonderful woman. Very free-spirited. We're all very fond of her.

Scotty, the sheepish and gay PA that has a thing for Dirk Diggler in Boogie Nights. His big moment: Tries to kiss Dirk while 'showing him his new car'. When rebuffed, he beats his head with his hands, blubbering 'I'm such a fuckin idiot, fuckin' idiot, fuckinidiot, fuckinidiot, fuckinidiot, fuckinidiot."

Lester Bangs -- Steals the show as Cameron Crowe mentor and pill-popping philosopher/rock critic/icon in Almost Famous. Memorable quotes: "The only true currency we have in this bankrupt world is what we share with someone else when we're uncool." and "Of course I'm home. I'm always home. I'm uncool."

Sean in Next Stop Wonderland -- A short but hilariously memorable turn as Hope Davis' smarmy activist ex-boyfriend who breaks up with her by videotape (Six Reasons Why Our Relationship is Doomed) in Brad Anderson's 1998 sleeper.

Hoffman creates memorable characters in every movie in which he appears. Anyone who's seen him in films like Love Liza (his best), Owning Mahoney, Punch-Drunk Love, the Talented Mr. Ripley and Flawless knows that he has acting chops that rival those of anyone working today. Sadly, he has never even been nominated for an Oscar, much less won one.

He may have his first shot at the statue next year when he portrays literary icon Truman Capote in Capote. I'd have to wager that he'll be tough to beat.


At 10:25 AM, Blogger ebc said...

tom, how's the peeping? how's the peeping?


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