Sunday, October 31, 2004

Not often you pray for Tuesday to come

The day of reckoning is nearly upon us, and I for one am starting to get giddy and suprisingly confident that John Kerry will be the next President of the United States. Maybe I am now being swept along by the rising tide of the last days of his campaign, like I was last December by the groundswell of support for Matt Gonzalez. Maybe everything seems possible from atop the wave, but when it crashes to shore on Nov. 2nd, I'll be left nursing a sore arm on the same rotten, stinking beach I swam out from earlier this year. Here's hoping that we all end up on our feet...and that low tide has finally passed.

Over the past week, I had planned to post a lot, covering topics such as the Civil Rights Commission's report on the Bush administration (how do you think that turned out?), how a University of Maryland report found that Bush supporters were far less knowledgeable about issues and the candidates' stances on them than Kerry supporters (hello, Fox News), Sean Hannity bucking for Bush administration Communications Director (oh, wait, that's his position now), and what promises to be an incredible mess -- polling places in the swing states. Yes, a lot of ideas and passionate stances were swirling around in my head. I was ready to rant and rave, postulate and (as Bill O'Reilly is fond of saying) bloviate -- but then I became tired. Tired of thinking about Sean Hannity, tired of pointing out the mind-boggling hubris of the most dishonest administration in recent history, tired of being indignant. I'm so very tired, and I just want a break from it all. So don't try to cheat Bushies, we all need a break from your slithering and dithering, your forked-tongued stump speeches and, for God's sake, all the smirking.

We hope for a fair election, which, if achieved, would no doubt lift Senator John Kerry to the White House. I've even given my father 5-to-1 odds on it. If you aren't as sure as I am, I'd suggest you go to this video-clip page and check out Eminem's new video 'Mosh'. Not only is it a great song, with a great message (about Bush's failings and how they affect the poor and disenfrachised), but it will get a lot more young people out to vote, along with the efforts of P. Diddy, Russell Simmons and others. That, along with all the newly registered voters (especially in urban areas) and the normal tendency for late undecideds to go to the challenger in my mind signals a comfortable Kerry victory, barring any nonsense from electronic voting or missing absentee ballots or voter intimidation. Wouldn't it be great on Nov. 2nd to give G.W. the big fuck-you in the form of a five-percentage-point victory for Kerry. I'll have my TV tuned to Fox News to catch the hangdog looks on all of their smarmy faces. Fuck you too Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Neil Cavuto, Brit Hume, Shepard Smith, Carl Cameron -- and fuck you most of all Rupert Murdoch. This isn't your world, it's our world -- now why don't you go dig for a John Kerrry sex scandal for the next eight years, beeeoootches!


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