Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Fox News Continues to Misinform

Remember that University of Maryland study back in 2003 that found that Fox News viewers were more likely to have misconceptions about current events than viewers of the other networks?

Apparently that extends to sports as well...and Fox News' anchors. Maybe these guys are watching too much of their own programming.

Turned on the tube today to find Neil Cavuto interviewing Babe Ruth's granddaughter to determine how the Babe would feel about Barry Bonds approaching his career home run record. That's right...record. Now I know that Fox News is adept at ignoring and/or disparaging minorities in our country (unless they are part of the President's Cabinet), but wiping Hank Aaron and his 22-year career out of the Major League Baseball record books?

First off, I hate interviews like this. Granddchildren of sports heroes being interviewed as experts on their accomplishments and their feelings about the game. Babe Ruth died in 1948. I don't think his granddaughter had much of an opportunity to pick his brain about home runs. Might as well go with a biographer Neil, they're a little less biased and a little stronger with the facts. Showing bias and ignoring the facts, that's your job.

Case in point. During this particular inane interview, Cavuto refers to Barry Bonds breaking Ruth's 'record' probably a dozen times. The Babe's granddaughter never corrects him. They mention Aaron in passing, but continue to refer to Ruth as the record-holder. Then Cavuto goes on to ask whether the possibility of steroid use means that Bonds' record of '70' home runs in a season should also be wiped out. Neil, stick to your five-year Sisyphean struggle to convince the country that the economy is stronger than ever. At least with that you can cherry-pick your numbers.


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